Property Name:
Location of hotel (city and state):
Neighborhood in which the hotel will be located:
Please advise if you would like the city/town name included in the mural.
Are there any important geographical features in the city or nearby? (bodies of water, mountains, etc.)
What are the landmarks or iconic buildings in the city?
Are there any notable art museums or cultural institutions nearby?
Can you tell us a bit about the history of the city?
Who is the hotel's primary clientele?
What are the area's most important industries?
Are there any events or festivals that the city is known for?
What are the regional food specialties? Are there any famous chefs or restaurants that the city is known for?
What genres of music are popular in the area? Are there any famous musicians from (or based in) the city?
What are the local sports teams? Are there any famous athletes from (or based in) the city?
What are the most popular pastimes?
Are there any secret locals-only attractions?
Are there any local legends? (Real or mythical)
If someone had 36 hours to spend in this city, what would you recommend that they do?
How would you describe the personality of the city?
Please list any locations, references, and items that MUST be included in the mural design.
Is this a dual property? If yes, will you be needing two murals, one for the registration desk and one for the game room?
Who are all the decision makers for art on this project. We want to make sure everyone is included in the design process so that everyone is happy and we avoid costly last minute changes.
What is your title?
Who will be involved in mural approval?
First Name
Last Name
Email Address:
The design process is split up into 2 phases: Pre-production: mural design (sketching and drafting), revisions, approvalPost-production: receipt of digital comp for final approval before productionRevisions: Minor Revision: Color edits, adding, deleting, resizing content / objects from approved sketch direction, etc.Major Revision: Design overhaul; a major deviation from the initial approved sketch which will add significantly more time to the project production timeline; adding/deleting/reconfiguring of major focal points in mural (central characters and images), adding personal touches (ie- adding relatives, pets, etc, to final mural design), changing field-verified dimensions or architectural elements which may cause a reconfigurement of current design, etc.Pricing Each property gets 3 minor revisions, 1 major revision in the Pre-Production phase at no additional cost. If more than 3 minor revisions are requested during Pre-production, there will be a cost implication of $200/minor revision. If more than 1 major revision is requested during Pre-production, there will be a cost implication of $400/major revision. Any revisions requested during Post-production will incur an additional cost of: $300/minor revision || $500/major revision.
I have read the above details and agree to abide by them.